Broken down

Come on, I cannot put Twitchella’s pic on my blog!!

It isn’t heart stopping (well, it is… for some of them in the film), earth shattering (well, there is that one scene at the end) or mind blowing (wait, there is that scene too, which made the film so much better) but it was not hair-chewing Jab Tak Hai Jaan bad. I watched it after Argo (which was brilliant and everyone should watch it if they can and any review will be just in rhetorics) and still thought it was decent. There is something to be said about low to no expectations I suppose, but, I stand by what I said. I liked it for it being what it said it would be. One of the best things that came out of watching it was my discovery of Lee Pace (Garrett in Breaking Wind…err Dawn 2) and this fantastic film by Tarsem (I am reliably informed by Wikipedia that he has dropped the ‘Singh’ and having made this film, has been partially forgiven for Immortals) he starred in called The Fall (2006). It was one of the quirkiest fantasy films I have ever watched and Catinca Untaru, the chubbiest, cutest little child actress you ever saw was an absolute poppet. An epic adventure with the right amounts of whimsy and reality.

I also recently watched The Art of Getting By and Toast. Two Freddie Highmore films which are off-beat and lovable because he having uncharacteristically (for child actors) retained his charm from Finding Neverland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory days has made it so. Definitely good watches and some of the dialogues from The Art of Getting By are really clever.










Okay, short reprieve over. Coming back to BD 2, I would even go so far as to call it the best of the lot and considering it was the last one, and we can hang up our fangs and toast the end of this saga with a smile. But wait, what is this new trailer on IMDB? The Host, Stephenie Meyer’s novel after the Twilight series based on alien parasitic invasions and true love that now transcends evil alien host(age) situations has been made into a motion picture, ladies and gents (another round of the bubonic plague, anyone?) Interestingly this has been tagged as sci-fi. I think George Lucas might be looking for an abyss to fall into shortly. All I am saying is that I get 25% off at the bar at Cineworld. *shrugs shoulders*

Speaking of teen fantasy, err… sci-fi(?) I know, I know, no one wants to mix those two genres. There is an alarming number of impending releases (and their sequels) full of photoshopped beautiful young people longing to love/be loved by vampires, witches, werewolves, gnomes and all manner of absurd creatures that make LOTR seem like a humdrum little cow herding village in Bihar. I just hope, for my sake, my liver survives the onslaught. 😀

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